Flutter 3.24

Flutter 3.24

I see that Flutter 3.24 was released yesterday along with Dart 3.5 and the Flutter team made a big announcement about it. I wanted to share my thoughts on this release after a quick review of the changes.

The only update that caught my eye was support for Swift Package Manager for iOS. As of now we are stuck using Cocoapods for iOS dependency management inside iOS and macOS plugins, and that has been a frustrating outdated system for a long time. I envision a world where one day Objective-C code and header files no longer exist, and packages only contain Swift code.

My dive packages have macos plugins using Cocoapods and podspec files. Those are prime candidates for a rewrite.

Also, I am glad to see some improvements in Impeller that should result in apps being slightly faster with smoother scrolling.

Larry Aasen
Written by Larry Aasen Lead mobile engineer at Car IQ. Author of the apps Auto Care Kit and US Debt Now, and the Flutter package upgrader.